
Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Nigeria Sixth Worst Country To Grow Old, Says UN Report

On the day that Nigeria celebrated its 53rd anniversary as an independent nation, a new study released today by the UN backed Help Age International advocacy group ranked Nigeria among the worst countries in the world that least care about their old population.
The Global AgeWatch Index ranked 91 countries, with Nigeria ranked 85th, the sixth worst, with a poor record of catering for the well-being of the elderly, people older than 60.
Though Nigeria has the highest GDP among the African Index countries, it ranks third lowest for income security, the report said.
“This reflects its limited pension coverage, at 5 per cent. It ranks 84th in the health domain and, with Rwanda, has the lowest life expectancy at age 60 – 16 years.
“For employment and education, Nigeria ranks 70 with the fourth highest proportion of older people, 17.4%, with secondary or higher education among its African Index counterparts.
“Nigeria ranks second lowest regionally, at 76, in the enabling environment domain, with only 53% of older Nigerians enjoying civic freedom. The report indicated that older Nigerians are taking part in the Age Demands Action campaign for the first time this year.
The best and worst countries to grow old: the UN rankings The index was compiled by the HelpAge International advocacy group and funded by the UN Population Fund Top 10
1. Sweden
2. Norway
3. Germany
4. Netherlands
5. Canada
6. Switzerland
7. New Zealand
8. USA
9. Iceland
10. Japan
Britain came in at 13, ahead of Australia (14) and France (18).
Lower down in the rankings were the emerging economies of Brazil (31), China (35), South Africa (65), India (73) and Russia (78). Bottom 10: 82. Honduras 83. Montenegro 84. West Bank and Gaza 85. Nigeria 86. Malawi 87. Rwanda 88. Jordan 89. Pakistan 90. Tanzania 91. Afghanistan

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