…because CONJI na bastard oooh!
barbaric and how low could we get Africa? Parading people naked
everyday for one stupid reasons or the other. We don't live in caves no
more and this is 2013 for goodness sakes. Look at this case, 2 grown
adults were caught and arrested for enjoying themselves in the 'bush'?
Why the arrest? They were not harming or hurting anybody, were not
committing any crimes and were not even doing it in public, at least
they hid in the bush since they could not afford the motel. Abeg tell
me, would they have come to your house to do it? Conji knows no
boundaries o and sometime you have to take it anywhere it holds
you......The world is moving very fast so make we wise up!!
See the adults arrested after cut. Biko, it is strictly for 18+

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