
Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Is Mark Zuckerberg Gay?......................

Is Mark Zuckerberg Gay? No, But... (PHOTOS)

U.S. -- Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg joined 700 of his employees to march in San Francisco's Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) Pride Celebration on Sunday morning.
According to The Wall Street Journal, Facebook sent about 15% of its workforce — all wearing special t-shirts designed for the event — to march along with a decorated trolley during the parade. While Facebook has participated in previous Pride Parades in San Francisco, this is the first time for Zuckerberg and such a large group to participate.
Other tech companies based in Silicon Valley also participated, including Google and Apple.
Is Mark Zuckerberg Gay? No, But... (PHOTOS)
The parade comes just days after a landmark decision by the Supreme Court striking down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) as unconstitutional. The act, passed in 1996, denied federal benefits to gay couples legally married in states that allowed it.
The Supreme Court also declined to rule on California's Proposition 8, a law banning gay marriage passed shortly after it was allowed. That decision means California must abide by a lower court ruling striking down the state's ban on same-sex marriage.
That ruling means same-sex couples should be able to pursue a marriage license in California in about 30 days, leading to an extra level of celebration during San Francisco's parade.
Facebook has also put up additional signs around its campus to show its support for Pride Month, as well as the Supreme Court decision. A rainbow ring, pictured below, can be seen on the ring finger outside the company's campus.
Is Mark Zuckerberg Gay? No, But... (PHOTOS)

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