
Friday, 22 February 2013

The illuminati Signs And Symbols Revealed

Even though it had been in existence for long, it was only very recently that people became aware of that powerful satanic global cult group,
Rumors have flown around over whether some celebrities and other eminent personalities belonged to this cult or not. While some people may have been wrongly suspected to be members, others have been proven not only to be members, but also to be striving painstakingly in the best interest of the powerful cult group.
And interestingly yet, many people are still in the dark, or in doubt over whether the cult group truly exists. If you belong to this category of people, then this article is for you, as it exposes some basic facts you need to know about The Illuminati, including the Illuminati signs and Illuminati symbols, popular proven members who are famous worldwide, and companies or brands believed to have very strong connections with The Illuminati.
The Illuminati History: How and why it Started
The Illuminati secret cult was formed in 1776, the same year in which America got independence, by a German, Adam Weishaupt, in the German city of Bavaria. The group, which started with 5 elite foundation members, was aimed at ruling the whole world through taking control of every influential and powerful position possible, and through luring every influential personality into its fold.
Illuminati founder, Adam Weishaupt Sources have revealed further that, in order to achieve its agenda, The Illuminati has no reservations whatsoever for adopting devilish means such as witchcraft, terror, blackmail, and so on. For this reason, it chose the devil as the overseer of all its affairs – the reason why all members must revere the devil and his allies and mock everything related to God. Illuminati signs and symbols Since The Illuminati is a group known for its proximity with the devil, it adopts various signs and symbols, which truly point to this fact.
Below is a list of common Illuminati symbols and signs, which many have seen but have never paid serious attention to:
The All Seeing Eye Illuminati Symbol And Meaning
The all seeing eye Illuminati symbol Known as the “udjat”, this is a common symbol, which features a human eye or something similar incorporated in a triangle or some other shape. In most cases, the triangle is used. It is used to symbolize the eyes of Lucifer, who is believed to see everything happening all over the world.
This sign can be found at the back of every American dollar note.
The all seeing eye at the back of American Dollar The Zodiac Illuminati Symbols
Even though they are very commonplace, they are believed to have been of satanic origin, and have been used as tools of deception – through horoscopes.
The Inverted Cross Of Nero Symbolism
Inverted cross of Nero This popular Illuminati symbol is drawn on the tombs of many influential personalities, especially many of Adolf Hitler’s troop members. It is aimed at mocking the death of Jesus Christ on the cross.
The Swastika Or Sun Wheel Illuminati Symbol
Capture of Hitler’s hands as he speaks of the unity of the National Socialist and socialist ideas this sign, comprising two sharp-cornered letters S crossed, was the logo of the Hitler Nazi movement.
Illuminati 666 Hand Sign
Illuminati 666 hand sign The 666 sign: this is also known as the “mark of the beast” and is one of the most popular signs of the antichrist cult. The number 666 is also known as the number of man.
Illuminati Sign & Symbols Videos
The Illuminati Celebrities Members
As stated earlier, The Illuminati has many famous and powerful members.
Below is a list of popular members of the satanic cult:
George W. Bush Jr
JayZ and Beyonce
Celine Dion
Chris Brown
Britney Spears
Late Michael Jackson
Kanye West
Lady Gaga
Paris Hilton
Wiz Khalifa
Lil Wayne
Barack Obama
See more Illuminati members Even though many other people are believed to be in the group, there is need for evidence before these become established facts. Companies and brands linked with The Illuminati
AOL: the company’s logo features the pyramid with the “all-seeing eye” of the devil at its center.
Apple: company’s logo was meant to be a mockery of the concept of the forbidden fruit eaten by Adam and Eve.

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